Sunday, September 13, 2009

Task Two-Enacting Curriculum

What is the purpose of curriculum and what role do we have as teachers in this purpose?

  • Curriculum is a guide that teachers use (an outline) to achieve specific results in teaching and learning activities for students to be successful. Teachers should use this outline not only teach but design ways to help the students understand what is being taught. Designing ways to reach our students in ways that they will have understanding of the material can only be accomplished if you know the student. How do they learn? Are they audio or visual learners? What is their current level of academic understanding? Assessments, observations, and one-on-one conversations must be a part of design of curriculum for the classroom. When you know this information, you can design curriculum to meet the students needs in your classroom, therefore increasing academic levels.
  • Teachers must also be open to using other materials along with the guidance of the standard textbook. Movies or books to enhance the learning experience can help the student to relate academics to real-life situations.

How much control do we have in the designing of curriculum? How much should we have?

  • The amount of input on the design of curriculum varies; teachers must consult their state and local standards of core curriculum. According to Schwartz, some teachers have freedom to design and others more strict limitations. Teachers can add valuable insight when determining how to help the students understand materials being presented to them on a day to day basis. Students learn on different levels and in different ways. Teachers create lessons according to the needs of their students by personalizing the materials enabling them to use the information in real-life situations.

How does the curriculum that you have look like in your classroom in a day to day environment?

  • One of the first steps I take in my classroom is the assessment of my students. I am recieving students at different times throughout the school year, but once placed they stay 9-18 weeks at the center. When a student arrives, I give the student what I call a "honeymoon" period. Through informal observation, I asses the students behavior with peers and other staff members. No student wants to come to the center so giving the student time to adjust to the room allows me time to access and plan instruction for them. E2020 is a virtual high school program we use at the center for all core subjects, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Health. P.E., Practical Living/Life Skills, and Arts & Humanities are taught off the computer. My class stays with me and does not change through out the day. All E2020 programs are designed for the level of courses they are taking in high school. After informally accessing my students I use the off computer subjects and create according to thier needs and levels, lessons that not only follow curriculum but can be used in real-life situations. This takes time but it is worth the effort. I assess the lesson by ending with projects. For example, last week I did a week unit on Communication Awareness. I followed curriculum but added a movie (Steel Magnolias) and as a class they designed a moble as ending project. Each student was given 26 characterists of communication (verbal or non-verbal). On a different colored index card they wrote the characteristic on front and who, where, and why the character they chose related to this characterist on the back of the card. Everyone who has walked in my room has commented on the mobile. The mobile was my form of assessment showing that my students understood the lesson being taught. They had fun and have pride in what they have accomplished.


  1. I can see the “honeymoon” period works so well for you. To know your students is the first step in teaching them. I really wish that I can have more opportunities to learn about my students. I have more than 400 students, with only 20-30 minutes for each session, including traveling (from classroom to classroom). I can’t even remember every student’s name. In my first year of teaching, I thought that some students would not be interested and it seemed they would not learn any Chinese. They were disturbing my class all the time. Once I taught a rap song which I created myself, the whole class was suddenly so engaged, even those students who I thought “hated” learning Chinese. They even volunteer to perform in front the class. I was amazed that they were learning Chinese, and their pronunciation was excellent. Every student can learn. Every student has their own unique way (learning style) to learn. As an educator, putting the key into the right lock is our responsibility.

  2. Hi Vivian,
    I agree with your statement, "Teachers create lessons according to the needs of their students by personalizing the materials enabling them to use the information in real-life situations." I think this is where we can truly shine as educators! Even if we do not dictate the curriculum....We can determine how the curriculum/content is taught. Students are much more engaged when they can connect their own life experience(s) to what is being taught. Making content meaningful is easier said than done...That's for sure! Having an all female student population could lead to some excellent research projects in how the genders learn differently. I can't imagine trying to teach the different grade levels and content to students at the alternative center. One of my students(a male) was placed there last year. I am so appreciative of the work being done at the alternative center. Thanks for all that you do!

  3. I love all the perspectives in this class- fascinating! I love how you really put assessment at the heart of what you do with your students. This is a powerful way to think about instruction and approach curricular goals. I also see how you need to make the learning relevant and engaging for the students (and CZ lent us a great example of what she does in the classroom). I think you demonstrate how important it is for us to have some flexibility in how curriculum is enacted in our classrooms if we want it to be meaningful for our students.-- On a side note you have figured out this technology stuff pretty well I can see!

  4. I enjoyed reading your blog, especially aobut your asessment project involving the mobile! It is important to have students engaged in creative and fun projects that also demonstrate what they've learned. It seems like they enjoyed it and were actively engaged in their learning. Taking pride in their work is very important as well as making those connections to real-life experiences. You are evidently doing a wonderful job with your students, despite the various grade levels that you are teaching. You should be commended for all of your efforts, most definitely!

  5. I love your assessment/activities at the end. You are really making the content more relevant to them. I notice you are using the idea of movies like we learned this summer. I'm sure the kids are loving that. I know I did this summer! It really gets you thinking and a good discussion going.

  6. Hey Vivian,

    I always love to read what you have to stay. I miss being able to hear you share in class :( But following your blog is ok too I guess! I miss hearing your stories about your girls too... you are such an awesome teacher!

    As a fellow Spec. Ed. teacher I understand how much emphasis you put on the individual needs of the student and the way they learn best. Curriculum looks different for us and our students, thinking outside the box assessing our student's in various ways is very important. I loved your idea mobile you did with the movie "Steel Magnolia's" I bet your kids loved that, and what an awesome way to explain/teach communication both verbal/nonverbal. Not all assessments should be paper/pencil boring multiple choice tests, but rather exciting ways to get our students engaged but also learn the material necessary.

  7. Assessment, observation and one-one conversation! I just nailed it! It is great to read about the strategies that you use to reach your learners!
