Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Task Four

Pre-Reading Activity:
I chose Domain 4. I chose this domain because I feel it is the area that I need to improve the most. Understanding and improving my Professional Responsibilities will only help me become a better teacher to my students.I

Although I feel I need improvement in all components of Domain 4, I am most comfortable with 4c-Communicating with parents. I make weekly calls to all parents/guardians of my students on Fridays. We send home weekly grades and I feel my students weekends go better for them if it starts out on a positive note. I have no problems telling parents if something needs to be improved upon, but they are pleasantly shocked when I call to give a positive report on their daughters. I am nervous on what I not to say...

The part that ties in most with my instruction is 4b-maintaining records. I have special education students and keeping up with monitoring of IEP objectives is a full-time job.

What components I would like to zero in on are 4a and 4b. Reflecting on my teaching is very hard for me to do. I am so critical of my work (so I am told). Maintaining records is very important in my classroom as Special Education teacher. It is such an important part of my job, I want to make sure I know what is current in the requirements.

Question for my group: We run our center with a skeleton crew. Taking off during a school day is not looked favorably upon. So, when and how do you suggest I fit in professional development if the classes I need are offered during the day? Is there a list I can be placed on to know when these classes are offered?

Domain 4 in my classroom:
4a: Reflecting on my teaching.
I don't log a reflection of my lessons in Arts & Humanities, Life Skills, and P.E. I do a lot of hands on with the girls and we display what we do-everywhere! I know if my lesson was a success when they participate, share, and talk about it to others in the center. (told you I need help in this area!)
4b: Maintaining accurate records: Again, IEP, monitoring sheets, and other Special Ed documents are a priority in my classroom. Each student has a folder that I keep parent contact logs, absent notes, and all student work samples. I use this folder at parent-teacher conferences (report card meetings).
4c:Communicating with parents: As I said before, I have communication logs I keep with every student. I do this for several reasons but mostly to keep myself accountable for keeping the parent updated on her daughter so there are no surprises at conferences. I feel it is important to keep that communication open.
4d- Participating in a professional community: I collaborate with the other teachers in the center about ideas regarding situations with my students. I coached Special Olympics for 12 years but recently gave it up to complete KTIP and my Masters Program. I talk daily with my mentor about issues or questions I have regarding Special Education.
4e-Growing and developing professionally. I do attend PD classes when I can afford and if I can fit it into my calendar. I know it's important but my time is so limited at this point, I only attend those that will impact my growth in an alternative setting or in special education.
4f - Showing professionalism. I do this daily in my classroom. I respect the staff and require it of my students and require my students to respect each other. No one is perfect but, I do try to model appropriate behavior in and out of the classroom.


  1. Great post- I am going to throw the question out to your group--I will explain more about this tomorrow when I get the groups together- thanks for the thorough post - glad to see you got the hang of this!

  2. I loved reading your post Viv! First off I think we all got very lucky giong through alt cert as a group because it seems like all of us came out of there with one important piece of special education that had sunk in....CALL PARENTS FOR THE POSITIVES! I love that most of us do this - it's great for the kids.
    I also have trouble maintaining records. It seems like every time I turn around I am supposed to keep track of or keep data on something else. I am going crazy trying to keep it all straight and I really need a better way to do this!
    Also PD - keep a look out on They provide a lot of great information and PD's that are usually held in the evenings. also, if there is a PD that everyone in your school could use, if your superintendent provides it I believe NKCES sets it up and does it for free and could do it after school. Cindy over at NKCES (BEHAVIOR CONSULTANT!) is amazing and I believe NKCES sets up those PD's for free. :)
