Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Task Three

Pre-Reading: I believe that all students have the capacity to learn. Getting to know your students and their learning styles help shape their capacity to learn. Knowing how to reach your students in the way they learn best helps them to retain the information beyond testing. For instance, you know your student's interest is in art. You can take that information, teach concepts in math (fractions-amounts of paint need to blend colors) and reading (art books or magazines-reading and comprehension skills). I believe if you take the time to relate to your students, talking to them, and use what they relate to; you will increase academic performance.

Danielson's domains were very interesting to me. While reading this article, I found myself saying "I do that" or "I'm suppose to do that?" For instance, I do take the time to know my student's strengths, weaknesses, backgrounds, and interests. I have a much smaller classroom so it's easy to accomplish. But, I found that I need practice relating different elements to one another (1b).
Assessments are another area I feel I can become stronger. I have an idea in my head of what I want to accomplish but actually putting it on paper or documenting it someway, is something I do not do consistantly (1f).

I also feel very competent in managing the classroom environment. I have found that changing the seating chart every 4 weeks keeps the girls from forming clicks, allows more control in the classroom (less talking) and forces the girls to get along with each other. They learn to respect each other even if they don't like one another. They learn to be accountable for their own behavior and respecting each others boundaries and differences. When doing group projects I use different methods to keep the girls working with different partners (learning cooperative behaviors (2a -2e).

Danielson talks about the essential heart of teaching-engagement of students in content (29). Lesson plans that require interaction from the students helps to reach all students allowing everyone to take away something from the lesson.

Danielson's article also speaks about the importance of awareness of our students cultural differences that reach beyond dress, foods, and traditions. For example, one semester I had 10 girls who were at war with each other (verbally) because they didn't understand or appreaciate differences between them. We did a weeks unit on Cultures and each presented to the class thier own nationality. Reports, posters, and favorite dishes were apart of the project. It was a lot of fun and as a class we learned that we more alike than different.

I feel that if you take the time to know your students, prepare lessons that address most of the obsticles to their learning processess, all students have the capacity to learn. I also understand that I am very fortunate to have a small classroom and can implement more one-on-one to my students. This is the biggest reason I love what I do.


  1. I like that you recognize how important it is to be responsive to learners- that is what building a classroom environment is all about. I know it is easier in a smaller classroom but not impossible in a big one. Being responsive is also what you said about learning styles- we do need to take the time to get to know our students' styles of learning- these are different.

  2. Assessments are another area I feel I can become stronger. I have an idea in my head of what I want to accomplish but actually putting it on paper or documenting it someway, is something I do not do consistantly (1f).
    I agree so much with you on that Viv! I love doing assessments but I do feel like I can be stronger in that area. I want to become better at documenting the assessments.
    Also I loved when you said that you have to get to know the students. If you don't know the student it is difficult to actually provide lessons that relate enough to them where they can learn. Sometimes I think teachers forget this. But I, too, am lucky enough to have a small class size that I can get to know the students (and we say small class size but having 6 is like having a classroom of 30 right?!) Nice work Viv !:)

  3. I really admire that you make effect calling parents on Fridays. That is a big commitement you made. I could image the inpact of the call on students' learning and parents' imvolvement. I wish I could do it. But I have 99 students in total. I don't think I have that time and want to spend that much time. Shame on me!
